BIO: Growth

Born, raised, and currently living in Syracuse, NY. As an artist, I've worked on personal material most of my life. My first notable artistic memory dates back to the 3rd grade, drawing the classroom pet rabbit to the teacher's acclaim, leading to drawing random cartoons at my classmates' request. As an adult exhibiting artist, I've only just begun to find my footing among the many local talents and worldwide artistic talents online. Participating in a handful of local shows, working with a few local companies/organizations, teaching small painting groups, and pursuing a career as an Art Educator, I feel I'm at the start of what will be an exciting and open ended path based on my passions. Through this site and the various social media sites, I invite you to watch this growth and journey.

Artist Statement

As an artist, I am highly influenced by nature and the variety of life around us.

Every piece of work I create I strive to include some sense of growth and detail, mimicking the natural environment around us. I try to explore something slightly different whether through subject, medium, or technique. I don’t believe a person has to be limited on the use of mediums, styles, or approaches to define themselves as an artist.

My artistic influences are a list that continues to grow but will always include such artists as Salvador Dali, Caravaggio, H.R. Giger, and Todd McFarlane.